Treatment method of common problems of nail polish

Treatment method of common problems of nail polish


All nail polish problem are around with products , operation and light .of which operating , lamp cased the problem that hard to control .

Ø  起翘问题:甲油胶的胶层连带或不连带底胶,从真甲表面分离,边缘翘起。
Warped problem : Nail polish glue that with and without base gel that disport from nail ,then edge unturned
1.         真指甲边缘清理不彻底,或者清理后 没有注意保护真甲表面;
Nail edge isn’t clean thorough or after clean , carless to protect nail surface
2.         没有使用同品牌产品的底胶或者封层,不同品牌的产品混合使用很可能造成不良后果;
Base glue and top glue is not use the same brand gel , that mixed with different brands of products is likely to cause adverse consequences
3.         使用了水晶甲使用的干燥粘合剂,现在的甲油胶都是可卸的产品,拒绝与酸性物质混合使用,更不能将干燥粘合剂用来打底;
Using a dry adhesive of crystal  , Currently nail polish are removable products, refused to mix with the use of acidic substances, also can not use dry adhesive to lay
4.         个体差异,每个人的甲质分泌不同,相同时间下,甲质代谢快的用户手上容易起翘。
As Individual differences, each person's different substance secretion , at the same time, the rapid metabolism of the user's hands easily to warp

Ø  分层问题:甲油胶的彩色胶层与表面的封层之间出现分离,分离的局部可以看到空气进入
Layered problem: Color gel and surface top gel have apparent separation that can see the air into it
1.         没有使用同品牌的产品的底胶或封层
Base glue and top glue is not use the same brand gel
2.         指甲周边或前缘包边不到位
Nail edge or front cannot cover in place
3.         彩色胶光照之后不用清洁液擦洗,因为清洁后没了浮胶,粘力不强;
After lighting color glue ,can not need using liquid scrub to clean , which because after cleaning no pudding and also sticky is not strong
4.         彩胶层过厚或封层过厚,导致照不干;
Color gel  or top gel too thin that lead to can not dry
5.         照灯时间过短或灯老化,导致照不干;
The lamp time is too short or the lamp is aged  that lead to can not dry
6.         上两遍底胶或是上两遍封层也容易掉。
Two time base gel and top gel also easy to separate

Ø  裂纹问题:Creak problem
Cracks - applied to the top surface of the seal. Cracks usually appear 1 to 2 days after the completion of the nail, if not properly handled, the crack will gradually increase until the cover crack,
1.         劳动强度大,没保护好指甲;
Labor intensity, did not protect the nail well;
2. hard glue easy to crack, it was said that hard plastic does not crack, it is wrong.
2.         硬胶容易裂,有人说硬胶不裂,这是错误的。
Hard glue easy to crack, It is wrong that hard plastic does not crack .

Ø  变色问题:变色做好的甲油胶指甲颜色失真,发黄或者偏色
Discolor problem  : after finish making nail , the color will be distortion , yellow and color cast
1.         封层涂的过厚,封层涂一遍为宜,假如涂两遍以上,会使颜色偏色;
Top gel is too thick , one time is better , if two time will be color cast
2.         封层光照时间过长,封层光照时间不超过3分钟,光照时间过长会出现发黄的现象。
Top gel light time is too long , that can not more than 3min, if too long will be yellow

Ø  光泽度降低 原本应该晶莹光亮的封层表面亮度不够。
Gloss reduction-  The brightness top surface is not bright enough.
1.         涂颜色胶时不够平滑,留下刷子的纹理痕迹,会使表面光泽度降低;
Painted color glue is not smooth enough to leave the brush texture traces, will reduce the surface gloss;

2.         选错封层,应该使用同品牌的可卸封层;
Select the wrong seal, you should use the same brand of removable seal layer;
3.         如果是擦洗封层,光照完不要马上擦洗,应停留20秒左右再擦洗;
 If it is top gel, do not wash immediately after the light, should stay about 20 seconds and then scrub;
4.         用于擦洗的棉布不干净,没有及时更新;
Scrub for the cotton is not clean and not updated
5.         应使用专业的光疗甲清洁液,不要使用含丙酮类的清洁液擦拭封层;
Should use a professional light therapy A cleaning fluid, do not use acetone cleaning fluid to clean the top layer
6.         光照时间不够,封层应该在光疗灯内照灯最少90秒;
light time is not enough, the cover should be light in the light lamp at least 90 seconds
7.         封层使用过少或者过薄。

Top coat use too little or too thin.

